NASCO Symposium 2019: Managing the Atlantic salmon in a Rapidly Changing Environment – Management Challenges and Possible Responses


To mark the International Year of the Salmon, a two-day Symposium will be held ahead of the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization’s (NASCO) Annual Meeting, which in 2019 is being hosted by Norway in Tromsø. Attendance is open to all, and people connected with, inspired by or passionate about wild Atlantic salmon are encouraged to register. The focus will be on challenges facing the Atlantic salmon and possible responses that can help conserve this precious resource in a rapidly changing environment.

The Symposium is structured under two main themes:

1. Climate change and state of the salmon, with scientific overviews being provided on these subjects; and

2. Management challenges and solutions.

Perspectives will be provided from a number of different viewpoints, including managers, scientists, NGOs and Indigenous People. Participation in finding solutions to the many challenges facing this iconic species is encouraged through discussion, the provision of posters and networking during the event’s social activities.

The draft programme can be found here:


Symposium participants are invited to a reception on Sunday evening, 2 June, in the iconic pub Ølhallen in Tromsø.

Day One of the Symposium will start at 08:45 and is anticipated to conclude at 17:30. There will be a Symposium dinner held on the Monday evening at the Scandic Ishavshotel.

Day Two will commence at 09:00 and is expected to conclude at 15:30.

The Symposium Steering Committee will be drawing together the conclusions from the two days to take forward as recommendations to the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization’s (NASCO) Annual Meeting.




£250GBP / £100GBP Student Price

Salmon in a changing salmosphere

Scandic Ishavshotel, Fredrik Langes gate, Tromsø, Norway



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