Proceedings of IYS Local Symposium on “Sustainable Management of Chum Salmon in Changing Environments”


Proceedings of IYS local symposium on the “Sustainable Management of Chum Salmon in Changing Environments” were recorded in the August and October issues of the science journal “Aquabiology” Volume 40 (2018). The symposium was held at the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology in Tokyo, Japan, on March 26, 2018, and was hosted by the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science with coordination by the Salmon Science Society and with funding support by NPAFC.

In Japan, chum salmon enhancement was initiated in 1880s, and the adult runs increased from the late 1970s with a peak of 89 million fish in 1996 due to improved hatchery technologies and favorable ocean conditions. Chum salmon are an indispensable fisheries resource in northern Japan, but the recent adult returns have exhibited a decreasing trend with considerable interannual and regional fluctuations. The International Year of the Salmon (IYS) is a good opportunity for researchers to work together to discover how best to manage Pacific salmon that migrate widely in  changing ocean ecosystems.

In order to endorse effective IYS projects in Japan, the symposium aimed to: (1) comprehend the vision of IYS program; (2) understand the present status of chum salmon populations and their habitats (IYS Theme 1); (3) assess effects of environmental variability on chum salmon distribution and survival (IYS Theme 2); (4) evaluate new research technologies to advance salmon science (IYS Theme 3); and (5) identify future research topics for the sustainable management of chum salmon. The program was composed of one keynote presentation by Dick Beamish (Emeritus Scientist, Fisheries and Oceans Canada) and 14 oral presentations in three sessions, followed by a panel discussion.

The symposium proceedings include the following15 articles in Japanese with English abstracts:

Aquabiology Vol. 40, No. 4 (August 2018)

1 (315-318): Sustainable management of chum salmon in changing environments: a prologue for the International Year of the Salmon
S. Urawa, H. Araki, K. Miyashita, M. Nagata, Y. Sasaki, and M. Kaeriyama

2 (319-329): Status of Pacific salmon production in the North Pacific Ocean
T. Saito and M. Fukuwaka

3 (330-334): Current status of chum salmon stocks in Hokkaido
Y. Miyakoshi

4 (335-341): Effects of environmental variability on the migration and survival of juvenile chum salmon in the coastal waters of Hokkaido
K. Kasugai

5 (342-345): Abundance and habitats of juvenile chum salmon and their adult returns in the Sanriku coast
T. Kawashima, Y. Shimizu, K. Ohta, and K. Yamane

6 (346-350): Survival conditions of juvenile chum salmon on the basis of their growth characteristics
K. Honda, T. Kawashima, and T. Saito

7 (351-357): Status of Japanese chum salmon and their habitat environments in the high-seas ocean
S. Sato, T. Sato, K. Honda, K. Suzuki, and S. Urawa

Aquabiology Vol. 40, No. 5 (October 2018)

8 (415-422): Teaming up internationally to optimize wild and hatchery Pacific salmon production in a future of changing ocean environments - the International Year of the Salmon
R. Beamish

9 (423-427): Influence of environmental variability on reproduction of chum salmon in rivers
H. Urabe

10 (428-434): Potential habitat for chum salmon in the Western Arctic based on a bioenergetics model coupled with a three-dimensional lower trophic ecosystem model
H. Ueno, S. Yoon, E. Watanabe, and M. J. Kishi

11 (435-440): Genetic structure and population traits of chum salmon in Sanriku
H. Tsukagoshi and T. Goto

12 (441-448): Health management of hatchery fry for sustainable propagation of chum salmon
H. Kasai and M. Yoshimizu

13 (449-452): Analysis of swimming behavior of chum salmon in coastal waters using micro data-logger
T. Kitagawa

14 (453-458): Migration routes of juvenile chum salmon simulated with a hydrodynamic model
T. Azumaya, H. Kuroda, D. Takahashi, T. Unuma, T. Yokota, and S. Urawa

15 (459-466): Sustainable conservation management and research issues for Japanese chum salmon under the changing climate
M. Kaeriyama, H. Araki, K. Miyakoshi, M. Nagata, Y. Sasaki, and S. Urawa


日本産サケは,増殖技術の発達や良好な海洋環境により1970年代後半より増加し,北日本の沿岸漁業を安定的に支えてきた。しかし,2000年代になるとサケの来遊数は長期的に減少傾向を示すようになり,サケの将来に懸念が生じている。他国でも,太平洋サケマス類やタイセイヨウサケは温暖化に伴う生息場所や生残率の減少など様々な不確実性に直面している。これら溯河性魚類の資源変動のメカニズムと将来予測に関する科学的知識のギャップを埋めるため,「国際サーモン年(International Year of the Salmon; IYS)」を2019年に設定し,広域的に研究活動等を助長する大規模なプロジェクトが進められている。


この公開シンポジウムには,外国大使館,行政機関,大学,研究機関,増殖団体,漁業組合など様々な業種から多数が参加した。まず趣旨説明とIYSの紹介が行われ,サケマス類の資源変動機構を解明するための国際的な研究協力についてR. Beamish博士(カナダ)による基調講演が行われた。続いて,(1)サケの資源動態と課題,(2)環境変動がサケに与える影響評価と課題,(3)サケの資源変動を科学する技術開発と課題の各セッションで合計14題の講演が行われ,最後にサケの持続可能な資源管理に向けた今後の研究課題について総合討論を実施した。これらの講演(2題を除く)と総合討論の記録が,特集「環境変動下におけるサケの持続可能な資源管理」として,『海洋と生物』2018年8月号と10月号に2回にわけて収録された。

『海洋と生物』 2018年8月号AQUABIOLOGY 237(Vol.40-No.4)
ISBN 978-4-909119-09-4

特 集

■315 環境変動下におけるサケの持続可能な資源管理:国際サーモン年に向けたプロローグ
Sustainable management of chum salmon in changing environments: a prologue for the International Year of the Salmon

■319 北太平洋におけるサケ属魚類の資源動態
Status of Pacific salmon production in the North Pacific Ocean

■330 北海道におけるサケの資源動態
Current status of chum salmon stocks in Hokkaido

■335 北海道沿岸における環境変動がサケ幼稚魚の移動と生残に及ぼす影響
Effects of environmental variability on the migration and survival of juvenile chum salmon in the coastal waters of Hokkaido

■342 三陸沿岸におけるサケ幼稚魚の分布,生息環境と親魚回帰
Abundance and habitats of juvenile chum salmon and their adult returns in the Sanriku coast

■346 サケ幼稚魚の成長特性からみた生残条件
Survival conditions of juvenile chum salmon on the basis of their growth characteristics

■351 沖合における日本系サケの資源動態と生息環境
Status of Japanese chum salmon and their habitat environments in the high-seas ocean

『海洋と生物』 2018年10月号AQUABIOLOGY 238 (Vol.40-No.5)
ISBN 978-4-909119-09-4

特 集

■415 変動する海洋生態系においてサケ類野生魚と孵化場魚の生産を最適化するための国際連携−国際サーモン年
Teaming up internationally to optimize wild and hatchery Pacific salmon production in a future of changing ocean ecosystems - the International Year of the Salmon
リチャード・ビーミッシュ(カナダ海洋漁業省 太平洋生物研究所)

■423 河川環境変動がサケの再生産に及ぼす影響
Influence of environmental variability on reproduction of chum salmon in rivers

■428 海洋変動がサケに及ぼす影響:北極海における潜在的なサケ生息域
Potential habitat for chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in the Western Arctic based on a bioenergetics model coupled with a three-dimensional lower trophic ecosystem model

■435 三陸岩手サケの遺伝構造と個体群特性
Genetic structure and population traits of chum salmon in Sanriku

■441 サケ資源を安定的に維持するための防疫対策
Health management of hatched fry for sustainable propagation of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta)

■449 データ・ロガーによるサケの行動解析
Analysis of swimming behavior of chum salmon in coastal waters using micro data-logger

■453 流体モデルによるサケ稚魚の回遊シミュレーション
Migration routes of juvenile chum salmon simulated with a hydrodynamic model
東屋知範・黒田寛・鵜沼辰哉・横田高士・浦和茂彦(水産研究・教育機構 北海道区水産研究所),高橋大介(東海大学海洋学部)

■459 気候変動下における日本系サケの持続可能な保全管理のあり方とその研究課題
Sustainable conservation management and research issues for Japanese chum salmon under the changing climate


Mar 26, 2018

Mar 26, 2018

Salmon in a changing salmosphere

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Shinagawa Campus, 4丁目-5-7 港南 港区 東京都 日本



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