Yukon Salmon Resiliency Conference – Hosted by the Pacific Salmon Foundation


There is urgency around the current state of Yukon salmon. Our Chinook salmon runs are much lower than in the past and they are in a time of low productivity. This means we are not getting the returns to our spawning grounds in Canada that we would have once had.

While there are many pressures facing the salmon that have sustained people, cultures, animals and habitats for centuries, Yukon's salmon and the people that depend upon them are resilient. It is time to harness this resiliency, work together with collective strength, and act to rebuild Yukon's salmon populations and the cultural connection to salmon.

Be a part of the next chapter in Yukon's salmon story by attending the Yukon Salmon Resiliency Conference.





Salmon in a changing salmosphere

Whitehorse, YT, Canada



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