
The R/V TINRO is one of Russia’s flagship scientific fishery vessels. The name is an abbreviation for the Pacific Scientific Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (TINRO in Russian). Since being launched in 1987, the vessel has been involved in over 100 expeditions lasting anywhere between 2 and 4 months.

The R/V TINRO can accommodate more than 50 crew members and scientists. The vessel is equipped with bottom, pelagic, and midwater trawls which are used for research surveys. There are ichthyologic, hydro and hydroacoustic labs on board to ensure scientists can conduct multipurpose ecosystem studies of marine bioresources and the environment.

Since its first year at sea, the R/V TINRO continues to conduct salmon expeditions in the Russian Far Eastern seas and the open waters of the North Pacific Ocean. 

The Scientific Team

Meet the fascinating team of scientists on board the Russian research vessel the R/V TINRO

Dr. Evgeny Pakhomov is a Professor at the Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences and at the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries at the University of British Columbia in Canada. A graduate of the Russian Academy of Sciences, he has more than 35 years of research experience as a biological oceanographer. His research focuses on understanding physical-biological interactions and ecosystem response to climate change, from the Antarctic to coastal British Columbia and from coastal realms to the high seas. His research interests span species ecology (plankton to fish), ecosystem structure, function and biochemical coupling. Dr. Pakhomov has disseminated his work in more than 250 publications. 

Aleksey graduated from the Far Eastern Federal University with a degree in ichthyology. He has been working in the Pacific branch of VNIRO since 2012. He is a chief of department of marine research on salmon and potential bioresources in the Pacific Ocean. He is the author of more than 40 science articles and has participated in many expeditions in the Pacific Ocean. He also participates in NPAFC and is a member of the IYS Working Group and the Working Group on Stock Assessment. He has put a great deal of effort into organizing the expedition. He will manage the work of the scientific team on the R/V TINRO and will participate in general coordination of the overall expedition.

His scientific interests are modern methods of data analysis, forecast models, using of GIS systems in fisheries, studying ecosystems of the Bering Sea and the role of salmon there.

Alexander Starovoytov has been working at the Pacific branch of the Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (TINRO) since 1996. In 2002 he received his Ph.D. for his thesis on the marine biology of chum salmon.

To date, he has participated in more than 50 sea expeditions and he was Chief Scientist on 25 of these expeditions. He was the Chief Scientist during the last winter salmon expedition in 2009.

A.N. Starovoytov independently and in collaboration with colleagues has published more than 50 scientific papers in domestic and foreign periodicals.

Valeriya Soshnina graduated from Moscow Federal University with a degree in ichthyology. Since 2017, Valeriya has been working in the molecular genetic department of VNIRO in Moscow. Valeriya studies population genetics of salmon and Valeriya’s PhD dissertation is about the genetic diversity of coho salmon in Asian arial.

Valeriya will collect environmental DNA (eDNA) samples to study pathogens and other organisms in the North Pacific.

Vladimir has been working in TINRO since 2011. He has participated in many expeditions in Japan, Okhotsk, Bering, Chukchi Seas and the open waters of the Pacific Ocean. His main research focuses on fishery acoustics including the evaluation of the abundance of bioresources, their depth and space distributions, and their daily migrations in the water column. Vladimir also studies how vessel noise affects fish behavior. The specialists of the laboratory of fishery hydroacoustics work on the software designed for recognizing species with echograms. Vladimir will conduct hydroacoustic research during the expedition.

Vladislav is very experienced specialist. He has been working for more than 30 years on fishery vessels and scientific expeditions. He participated in the 2019 International Gulf of Alaska Expedition. During the expedition, he will conduct hydrological and oceanological work to study the environmental conditions salmon face during the winter.

Ilyas graduated from Kazan Federal University in 1989 as a biological specialist. Since that time he has been working in fishery science. He is a scientist with a lot of experience in marine and coastal research and has participated in many marine expeditions. He will conduct ichthyological research during the TINRO expedition.

His main research areas include the ecology of marine fishes and early ontogenesis of fishes.

Semen graduated from Far East Fishery University in 2017 with a master’s degree. Since 2018 Semen has been working at the Sakhalin branch of VNIRO. He has participated in marine expeditions and research on salmon spawning in the rivers of Sakhalin. He is also involved in parasitology research.

Alina is an elder specialist of the marine research department of the Pacific branch of VNIRO (TINRO). She graduated from Federal Far East University. She has participated in expeditions in the Bering and Okhotsk Seas and the open waters of the Pacific Ocean for salmon trawl studies. She is involved in molecular genetics, population genetics, species differentiation, and research on species forming’s processes.

Denis has a lot of experience in marine expeditions and research. Since 2008 he has been working as chief of the hydrologic group on more than 30 expeditions. He studies oceanology, hydrochemistry and bioproduction of the Far Eastern seas. Also he conducts ecological monitoring of coastal ecosystems, builds databases and conducts analyses.

Anton graduated from Far Eastern Federal University with a degree in hydrobiology. He has been working in the Pacific branch of VNIRO since 2011. He has participated in many marine research expeditions. He had been studying Crustacea Decapoda in the Russian seas of the Far East for five years. Trophic links in ecosystems is the main focus of his scientific work. Now he leads research on salmon feeding, trophic links of Pacific salmon, and species composition and distribution of plankton.

During the expedition his duties include identifying fish species and recording their distribution, population and biomass. Also Anton will collect samples of salmon for genetic stock identification and evaluation of their condition during the winter season.

Yuriy graduated Far Eastern Federal University. Yuriy is a young specialist in hydrobiology and he has already taken part in marine expeditions. During the expedition he will examine salmon feeding and collect plankton samples.

Kirill graduated Moscow National University with a degree in oceanology. He participated in many marine and coastal research expeditions. His main areas of study focus on the impacts of climate change for marine ecosystems and fish resources, introduction of methods for processing climate data and using satellite’s high resolution images in fishery investigations.

During the expedition he will carry out with oceanographic probe, measure of temperature and salty, water sampling and determining of water chemistry. He also will research plastic pollution in ocean.

R/V TINRO Survey Details

Departure from Vladivostok, Russia February 5, 2022

Transit to Dutch Harbor, Alaska February 5 to February 21, 2022   

Stop in Dutch Harbor, Alaska to load personnel –  February 21, 2022          

Transit to survey zone 3 and conduct first leg of integrated oceanographic and trawl survey February 22 to March 16, 2022 

Stop in Dutch Harbor, Alaska halfway through for resupply and crew change March 16, 2022    

Transit to zone 2 to conduct second leg of integrated oceanographic and trawl survey ending in zone 3 March 17 to April 8, 2022 

Stop in Dutch Harbor, Alaska to offload personnel and samplesApril 8, 2022           

Leave Dutch Harbor, Alaska and transit to Vladivostok, Russia – April 9 – April 24, 2022     

Return to Vladivostok, Russia – April 24, 2022    

The R/V TINRO will be surveying the Central North Pacific Ocean, covering zones 2 and 3 of the 2022 Pan-Pacific Winter High Seas Expedition. 

Name:  R/V TINRO

Gross Tonnage:  2

Length (m): 62.2

Engine Power: 1764 kW

Home Port: Vladivostok, Russia

Flag: Russia