Global Swimways Webinar Marathon


In honour of World Fish Migration Day, we are hosting a special 24-hour webinar marathon! In this webinar, leaders on this issue will tell us about global swimways, fish species population status' and trends. Practitioners and experts from each continent share best practices about what is going well and inspire us all to take action! We are inviting people all over the world who are, or want to be, active and passionate about rivers, fish and nature.

We are eager to connect with you! This webinar will be the world's first Global Swimways Webinar Marathon, a 24-hour celebration of connecting and sharing inspiring knowledge about rivers, migratory fish, river connectivity and smart solutions to bend the curve.

The webinar includes presentations from over 50 local, national and global experts. In total, we will host nine sessions and the duration of each is 1-2 hours with a break in between each session. The webinar sessions are designed to accommodate different time zones and continents. We have space for 500 attendees per session.


May 14, 2020

May 15, 2020

Status of salmon

Segovia, Spain



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