The overall objective of the ReBorn-LIFE project is to accomplish and assure long-term sustainability of good water status and good conservation status for targeted species
Part of the Allan Water Improvement Project. One half of the catchment is cut off by culverts running under the A9. Working with Transport Scotland and BEAR Scotland, baffle systems will be installed to allow fish passage to spawning grounds. allowing populations to develop and become sustainable.
Status of salmon
Collaborating Organizations
The overall objective of the ReBorn-LIFE project is to accomplish and assure long-term sustainability of good water status and good conservation status for targeted species
Limefield Falls was built by James ‘Parafin’ Young inventor of paraffin and a multi-millionaire in his times who made his money extracting oil shale from
The Forth Rivers Trust is working with others to ensure that the barriers on the River Tyne are removed and/or adapted to allow fish passage.
The relationships between salmon and people have been broken throughout much of the world but remain intact in Alaska, largely due to a long tradition
Anglers who are willing to become citizen scientists are taking part in the National Salmon Scale Project which sees them carefully take scale samples from
Delivering Fish in the Classroom to primary schools across the Forth’s Rivers. Classroom ‘rivers’ with salmonid eggs are delivered to schools for youngsters to rear,
This is your chance to join like-minded people across the Northern Hemisphere to make a difference.
Register your salmon events or projects with us.
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