River Almond Fish Barrier Easements – Limefield Falls, West Lothian
Limefield Falls was built by James ‘Parafin’ Young inventor of paraffin and a multi-millionaire in his times who made his money extracting oil shale from
The overall objective of the ReBorn-LIFE project is to accomplish and assure long-term sustainability of good water status and good conservation status for targeted species within the rivers of action in Nottbotten and Västerbotten counties in northern Sweden, according to the EC Water Directive and the Habitat Directive, respectively. In order to achieve the objectives, the remaining negative effects of historic forestry actions and timber-floating activities will be removed by restoring a total of 200 km of channelized stream sections, reconstruct 2300 fish spawning sites and improve habitats of targeted species—atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), otter (Lutra lutra) and fresh water pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera). Through these restoration actions, it is the hope that the conservation status of species and habitats within all of the Natura 2000 sites will increase considerably.
Det övergripande målet för projektet ReBorN-LIFE är att uppnå och säkerställa en långsiktig och hållbar status av våra vatten och en god bevarandestatus enligt EUs vattendirektiv samt art- och habitatdirektivet för de målarter som förekommer i projektets älvar, belägna i Norrbottens och Västerbottens län i norra Sverige. För att uppnå målen kommer de negativa effekterna av timmerflottningen att tas bort genom att restaurera totalt 200 km kanaliserad älvssträcka, rekonstruera 2300 lekbottnar och aktivt förbättra livsmiljöer för målarterna lax (Salmo salar), utter (Lutra lutra) och flodpärlmussla (Margaritifera margaritifera). Genom dessa restaureringsåtgärder kommer bevarandestatusen av målarterna och habitaten i alla Natura 2000-områden att avsevärt förbättras.
Status of salmon
Collaborating Organizations
Limefield Falls was built by James ‘Parafin’ Young inventor of paraffin and a multi-millionaire in his times who made his money extracting oil shale from
The Forth Rivers Trust is working with others to ensure that the barriers on the River Tyne are removed and/or adapted to allow fish passage.
Part of the Allan Water Improvement Project. One half of the catchment is cut off by culverts running under the A9. Working with Transport Scotland
Fish Friends is a program run through the Maine Council of the Atlantic Salmon Federation. For the first time ever our cub scouts have partnered
The Galloway Fisheries Trust (GFT) work on salmon population in SW Scotland. The main limiting factor in freshwater for Atlantic salmon populations in Galloway is
The marathon will unite all organizations that are interested in salmon conservation.
This is a very symbolic project. A flock of plush fish in
This is your chance to join like-minded people across the Northern Hemisphere to make a difference.
Register your salmon events or projects with us.
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