CTS New Zealand Donating $5 For Each Salmon Rod Blank Sale


As part of the International Year of the Salmon, CTS New Zealand is donating $5 (NZD) from every Affinity DQ and Affinity Skagit rod blank sold, to the Wild Salmon Center to go towards salmon conservation projects across the North Pacific. As New Zealand's world leading rod company, CTS are not only dedicated to advancing rod technology, but also to helping conserve and protect the places and fish that anglers enjoy so much. Whilst New Zealand has no native salmon species, anglers from across the globe fish CTS rods to catch salmon, and so CTS are giving back to support those anglers and their fishing resource.

Wild Salmon Center is the leading international group working to protect the strongest wild salmon rivers of the North Pacific. Since 1992, WSC has worked with its partners to place nearly 3 million acres of habitat under protected status and ensured 71 rivers and major tributaries are managed to prioritise wild fish. Wild Salmon Center is the only organisation of its kind that conserves wild Pacific salmon across their entire range: from the Pacific Northwest to Alaska to the Russian Far East. They focus on river systems that are still healthy and productive – “strongholds” for wild salmon – and proactively safeguard them before critical habitat has been degraded by mines, dams, or clear- cut timber harvests. In doing so, they’re also working to benefit the North Pacific’s salmon-dependent communities, jobs, and wildlife





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