The overall objective of the ReBorn-LIFE project is to accomplish and assure long-term sustainability of good water status and good conservation status for targeted species
Year of salmon and public awareness campaign «Freedom of salmon! » started on February 2, 2019 in Amur basin.
Problem to be highlighted is that nowadays, the fishing research institutions forecast the salmon number based on the catch volumes without considering the data on the filling of spawning grounds. Second threat- reduce the area of spawn protective forest zones, poaching, water pollution.
To support salmon conservation WWF Russia Amur branch has kicked off a campaign "Freedom for Salmon". The Coordination Council of Directors of Nature Reserves and National Parks of the Southern Primorye as well as the Amurskaya Coalition of NGOs have teamed up with WWF to protect wild salmon.
During 2019 Will be a lot of events in all five Far Eastern provinces of the Amur ecoregion. For example, celebration of the Day of the Salmon in May, summer camps, environmental field shifts and expeditions, salmon marathon « Green light for red fish!» in September-October.
Год лосося и эколого-просветительская кампания «Свободу лососю!» стартовали 2 февраля 2019 года в бассейне Амура.
Проблема заключается в том, что в настоящее время научно-исследовательские рыбохозяйственные организации прогнозируют численность лосося на основе объемов вылова без учета данных о заполнении нерестилищ. Еще угрозы - уменьшение площади нерестооохранных полос, браконьерство, загрязнение вод.
В поддержку сохранения лосося Амурский филиал WWF России запустил кампанию "Свободу лососю!". Координационный совет директоров заповедников и национальных парков Юга Дальнего Востока, а также Амурская коалиция общественных организаций объединились с WWF для защиты дикого лосося.
В течение 2019 года предстоит много мероприятий во всех пяти субъектах Амурского экорегиона. Например, празднование Дня лосося в мае, летние лагеря, экологические полевые смены и экспедиции, марафон «Красной рыбе – зеленый свет» в сентябре-октябре.
Status of salmon
Collaborating Organizations
The overall objective of the ReBorn-LIFE project is to accomplish and assure long-term sustainability of good water status and good conservation status for targeted species
Limefield Falls was built by James ‘Parafin’ Young inventor of paraffin and a multi-millionaire in his times who made his money extracting oil shale from
The Forth Rivers Trust is working with others to ensure that the barriers on the River Tyne are removed and/or adapted to allow fish passage.
The goal of the “Salmon Comeback!” campaign is the return of the Atlantic salmon to the whole of the upper Rhine river basin.
Originally the
For the past ten years, the Toronto Zoo has been connecting students with Atlantic salmon in the Great Lakes region. In January, we set up
Works to install a Larinier Fish pass on Kirkton Weir on River Almond in Livingston, West Lothian have been completed. This work is part of
This is your chance to join like-minded people across the Northern Hemisphere to make a difference.
Register your salmon events or projects with us.
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